I arrived Brisbane about 2 months ,i always working in strawberry, before i was packer , now i ampicker, i get up at 4:20 am every day.it's really hard job, but i can save a lot of money for my travelling,I want to travelling around Australia and go to  the other country. New Zealand , Fiji ,Japan , Korea.

為了旅行快變小黑人囉,不過這間的boss人很好,我們有推車坐,休息時間還有免費的牛奶和咖啡可以喝真好,現在只剩下二個Taiwanese,就是我和閃閃妹,而這間也是到目前一直還未結束的農場,前一間九月中就休息了,這間的草莓又大又好吃,都是賣到colse。而上星期也搬到新的share house in Brisbane city。是一間很棒的unit,不過都是說中文,而Brisbane還真不是普通的多,走到那都有人說中文,看來還是要好好唸書囉~~~~


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