
11/15一大早Eric和我搭上了一個小時一班在QUEEN street bus station發車的430公車前往Lone Pine Koala sanctuary,一開始就先看了sheep and dog show,然後又看了eagle飛行秀,接下來就是重頭戲囉!因為去年就到過Gold Coast的Dreamworld和Koala拍過照了,所以這次我就不打算再花AU 15拍照留念了,不過還是有和Eric及Koala拍到合照。

這個保護園區不大,但Australia當地當有的動物都看的到,看是到醜醜的Wombat還有bat最重要的是還有很多的koala,這大約有130隻以上的koala,我們很幸運的還有看到koala寶寶在媽媽的袋子裡,不過不免俗的他們還是一直在睡覺,而這也可以讓遊客餵kangaroo, 因為是第一次餵超緊張的很怕它會咬我的手,正當我準備好時,一隻討厭的turkey跳到我的身上把我打算餵kangaroo的食物搶起了,嚇了我一大跳一整袋都掉到地上了,接下來那隻欠扁的turkey被Eric用stone丟了好多次and then I fed a kangaroo, it's really strange.because it looks like kissing my hand. When we fed another kangaroo we found the kangaroo has a baby in her bag.I think we are really lucky. We took a lot of photos in here.Here is very small. we spent half day visited here.

provid some information for everyone:

Lone Pine Koala sanctuary ticket ==>AU 25

if you have YHA or International student card you can get discount ==> AU 21

how to go to Lone Pine Koala sanctuary, you have to take  bus  430 or 445(zone 3), about 30 mins you can arrive there.==>AU 6.8、AU 5.1(off peak-daily)


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