

today Eric and I went to north Brisbane by car. This's our first time go to travelling by car in Brisbane. We went to a lot of places. ex:Noosa、Montville、Glass house Mt. .Eric bought a christmas tree for me. It was made by elders. they are really kindly , We told them we wanted  to take photo with them and then a elder man give me a christmas hat . I wore the hat and sit in the middle.I was very nervous. They are very Cute elders. they are look likes santas.

來到Brisbane第一次租車出去玩,在這待久了有點小悶,不像之前Cairns的方便和渡假的feel,可能是之前在農場工作久了也累了,利用待在Brisbane最後的幾個星期決定四處走走,所以就做好了功課往北到了我唸了想去的小瑞士還有noosa也終於和pineapple拍到照片,之前路過big pineapple四次了吧,每次都是坐在車上前往下一個目的地,都沒有停下車好好拍張照這次終於拍到照片了。而因為Christmas快到了,四處充滿了過節的氣氛而我們每一次都是到沒有東方臉孔出現的地點,這次到了Maleny享用我們的午餐,看到了可愛的老人家自已做的christmas tree 一個二塊澳幣,很可愛純手工,而且老人家也超可愛的拍照時還在搞笑,而我們也在那享用了午餐一個人8塊錢也很便宜,還是愛到郊區走走~~開心!

small Mt. Big pineapple IMG_5980.jpg Christmas tree




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